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Building Bridges: Fostering Inclusion in the Trades Industry

Mediaplanet sat down with Jamie McMillian, a Journeyman Ironworker and advocate for skilled trades, to talk about the importance of fostering inclusion and safe working environments for women in a male-dominated industry.

What specific inclusive practices can be implemented in the trades industry to enhance employee loyalty and reduce turnover?

To keep employees in Canada’s construction industry and reduce turnover, real inclusion is essential. It’s not just about hiring a diverse team but creating a workplace where everyone feels genuinely valued and psychologically safe. This means offering diversity training, flexible work schedules, and strong mentorship for underrepresented groups. Addressing harassment, ensuring proper safety gear, and supporting mental health are crucial. When leaders are truly committed to these practices, they build a culture where employees feel safe, respected, and eager to stay and grow.

What are the key challenges faced by the trades industry in creating an inclusive workplace, and how can they be overcome?

The trades industry faces challenges with inclusion due to outdated stereotypes and the need for psychological safety. Employers can tackle these issues by using team activities to break down biases and setting up anonymous feedback channels where everyone feels safe to share their thoughts. Incorporating fun into team-building helps build genuine connections. Job site reports should include feedback on team dynamics and overall well-being. Employers should also improve how they vet workers and leaders, spotting and addressing toxic behaviors and understanding different personality styles to create a more respectful and supportive workplace.

What role does company culture play in perpetuating or preventing toxic behaviour in the trades industry?

Company culture is the pulse of the trades industry—it’s what sets the tone for how people treat each other every day. If leaders turn a blind eye to toxic behavior like bullying or harassment, it sends a message that it’s okay, and that negativity spreads. But when a culture is rooted in respect and open communication, it naturally pushes out toxic behavior. It’s more than just having the right policies; it’s about everyone, especially leadership, showing through their actions that every worker deserves respect and a safe place to work.

How do inclusive workplaces differ from exclusive workplaces in terms of employee interaction and team dynamics?

Inclusive workplaces thrive because everyone feels valued and can collaborate openly, unlike exclusive ones where tension and division can build. To truly achieve equality and inclusion, we need to keep the pendulum in the middle—avoiding extreme shifts from one side to another. Instead of focusing solely on different groups’ individual needs, we should work together as a cohesive team, recognizing that everyone’s unique challenges and contributions matter. This balanced approach helps create a supportive environment where diverse perspectives drive innovation and team success.

What impact does an inclusive workplace have on the mental health and overall wellbeing of employees in the trades industry?

An inclusive workplace greatly enhances the mental health and well-being of trades workers by creating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued. Workers who feel genuinely included are less likely to experience burnout and more likely to stay positive. Implementing regular check-ins, peer support groups, and open conversations about well-being helps build a strong sense of community. Additionally, offering safer anonymous reporting services allows employees to voice concerns about toxic environments without fear of retaliation, especially when proper representation is lacking. This ensures that all workers have a channel for support and can maintain a healthier, more positive work experience.

What measures can be taken to transition an exclusive workplace into an inclusive one, particularly in the trades industry, to improve employee wellbeing?

To transform an exclusive workplace into an inclusive one in the trades industry, employers must take several crucial steps to enhance employee well-being. First, prioritize psychological safety by fostering an environment where workers feel free to voice their concerns and ideas without fear of retaliation. Ensure that health and safety are top priorities by providing the necessary tools, equipment, and safety gear, and regularly updating safety protocols. Building strong relationships with workers is essential; take time to connect and understand their needs. Align workers with roles that match their personality styles and work ethics to improve job satisfaction and productivity. Finally, establish clear expectations for behavior and performance, with fair processes for addressing issues to maintain a respectful and supportive workplace.

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