Mitch Marner discusses the Marner Assist Foundation’s mission, initiatives, and goals, emphasizing the importance of children’s care and well-being

Can you tell us about the mission and goals of the Marner Assist Foundation, and why you chose to focus on children’s care in your philanthropic efforts?
Our foundation advocates and fundraises for organizations that support children’s social care, health, education, and environmental causes to ensure they have a sustainable future. We are passionate about children’s care because we believe that investing in the next generation is pivotal for shaping a better future. By focusing on their needs, we can give them a strong foundation to thrive and reach their full potential. By allocating resources towards initiatives such as improving access to mental health care, education, and eliminating food insecurity, we are and can continue to create lasting change.

How has your personal experience with hockey and sports shaped your perspective on the importance of children’s care and well-being, and how does the foundation reflect these values?
Hockey is a sport that requires simple hard work, discipline and teamwork which has taught me that nurturing a child’s physical and mental development is crucial for their overall growth. I have seen how providing children with a safe and supportive environment can not only enhance their performance on the ice, but also improve their academic successes and social connections off the ice. From instilling self-confidence to creating healthy habits and encouraging a sense of community, hockey has highlighted the importance of prioritizing children’s care and well-being. The foundation reflects these values by partnering with organizations that share our ideals and goals, to build a brighter future for all children.

Could you share some specific initiatives or projects that the Marner Assist Foundation has undertaken to support children’s care and the community?
Two of our biggest organization partners are Second Harvest and FEMAP. Second Harvest aims to address the issue of food insecurity among children and families, with a focus on providing nutritious meals for school lunches. The Marner Assist Foundation has partnered with them to fund their Feeding our Future program and Holiday Food Drive, which has provided more than 400,000 healthy meals to youth in our community. The First Episode Mood and Anxiety Program, or FEMAP provides transformative mental health care to youth in London and the surrounding areas. With our partnership, FEMAP has been able to create a revolutionary patient-centered experience, prioritizing early intervention and prevention, with the hope to spread this model across the province to positively impact as many lives as possible. These are only two of the dozen or so programs we support annually.

In your opinion, what role do professional athletes like yourself play in promoting the well-being of children and the community at large, and how does your foundation contribute to this role?
The influence that professional athletes hold provides a platform to spread awareness about important issues that we all face today.By engaging in fundraising efforts and encouraging children to participate, we serve as powerful examples for their impressionable minds and inspire youth to create change in their own community. The foundation not only supports children’s overall well-being but also fosters a sense of community by bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds. Overall, the foundation’s unwavering dedication allows us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children.

What are your long-term goals for the Marner Assist Foundation in terms of improving children’s care, and how can others get involved or support your efforts?
Our organization has ambitious long-term goals to provide sustainable support and make lasting impact on the communities we serve. Amid our continuing partnerships with organizations such as FEMAP, Second Harvest, 360 Kids, Salvation Army, and Lumenus we strive to transform lives and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. We always welcome new sponsors and donors for our fundraising efforts, it is with your support that we can continue our efforts to Make An Assist.
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