Charlie Cox
Director of Ocean Pollution and Plastics,
Ocean Wise
There are ways to make sustainable choices this holiday season – from gift giving to seafood selection and everything in between.
Along with joy and merriment, the festive season can also bring about excessive waste. In fact, Canadian household waste tends to increase by 25 percent during the holidays.* With click-and-buy gifts giving and many large holiday gatherings, overconsumption quickly leads to packaging waste, food waste, and an increased prevalence of single-use plastics. Plus, higher rates of travel, energy consumption, item production, and shipping cause our carbon footprints to grow.
“We need to be intentional with what we buy and consume,” says Charlie Cox, the Director of Ocean Pollution and Plastics at Ocean Wise. “It helps to minimize waste and makes the items feel extra special.”
There are plenty of ways to give sustainable gifts. Buy your loved ones an experience or activity, make something homemade, or shop local and second hand.
Eco-conscious alternatives
Donations and fundraising make thoughtful zero-waste presents, like the Killer Whale Adoption Program. “By adopting an individual or family, you contribute to the conservation of orcas in the Canadian pacific northwest,” Charlie explains. “It’s a gift that makes a difference.” Donors are then brought along for the journey, receiving updates on key conservation and research achievements — all of which were made possible thanks to their generosity.
A global conservation organization, Ocean Wise has tons of plastic tips — small changes that make a big impact. These include swapping single-use plastics for reusable ones, reducing intake, and recycling properly. “Remember that individual actions matter, even though it can feel overwhelming” Charlie adds. “Take small steps to reduce the plastics in your daily routine, when you are ready visit ocean.org for more practical tips and hopefully that momentum will continue into the new year.”
Get more tips or adopt a killer whale at ocean.org.