Mark Pearson
Executive Director, Canadian Institute of Forestry
As the national voice of forest practitioners, the Canadian Institute of Forestry / Institut forestier du Canada fosters public awareness, promotes competency among forestry professionals, and pursues partnerships, such as with the Centre for Social Intelligence, to proudly champion the Gender Equity in Canada’s Forest Sector National Action Plan.
What role do our forests have in mitigating climate change?
Trees harvested in Canada are replanted/regenerated. Growing forests sequester atmospheric carbon. In addition to providing clean air, clean water, and healthy habitats, wood products harvested from sustainably-managed forests also lock up carbon and offer green alternatives to mitigate climate change.
What’s the biggest misconception or knowledge gap held by Canadians about the value of our forests?
That harvesting trees is bad. Nothing could be further from the truth. Canada is a leader in sustainable forest management with some of the strictest laws for harvesting forests. Forest management in Canada uses sound science to consider biodiversity, wildlife habitat supply, ecosystem processes, and natural disturbance emulation. Canadians should be proud of our forests and their essential products!