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Careers in the Skilled Trades

Q&A with HVAC Know It All

Gary McCreadie

Business Owner & Creator of HVAC Know It All

Gary McCreadie, business owner and creator of HVAC Know It All, shares advice for aspiring HVAC technicians: stay curious, keep learning, and help others in the trade. His HVAC Know It All platform highlights the best parts of the industry.

What are the best parts about working in HVAC?

The HVAC trade is probably the most versatile trade out there.  Not only will you learn heating, air conditioning and ventilation but all the other trades that make it come together.

These trades include: Plumbing and electrical for the most part.  But HVAC technicians also work on gas fired appliances, sheet metal, and can get into refrigeration as well.  

HVAC is very specialized and not very DIY friendly, so it makes it easier to maintain job security. 

The brand HVAC Know it All was created to spread some positivity in the online HVAC support community. What’s been the most rewarding experience through your journey?

Running HVAC Know It All has had many rewards.  Working alongside manufacturers to test new tools and create content about them keeps me on my toes as far as the industry’s direction.  

It’s also been a great platform to educate myself as well as my audience, that is also interested in new, tools, methods and upcoming trends. 

It’s great to get messages from younger folks in the trade telling me that my videos, articles and podcasts have helped them.  

What is the biggest piece of advice for young people looking to get into the industry?

Whether you’re choosing HVAC as a 2nd career or getting into it as your first here’s some advice…

You’ll never know it all but make it your mission to attempt to.   Open manuals and read them, watch videos, read books.  Always strive to be a better you than the day before.  Help others in the trade, be open minded to new trends, tools, etc.  Develop a deep level of curiousness about the industry and you’ll always stay ahead of the game.  

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