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Careers in the Skilled Trades

Q&A with Mandy Rennehan

Mandy Rennehan

CEO and Founder of, HGTV Host, Designer & Contractor

Mandy Rennehan , CEO and Founder of, HGTV Host, Designer & Contractor, discusses her early career in construction, the motivation behind her company, and the critical need for skilled trades in today’s economy.

Can you describe a pivotal moment in your career that solidified your path to construction? 

When I was 18, I worked on a hardwood flooring install and refinishing and I was addicted. The rest they say is history.  

What motivated you to start your own company? And what are some challenges you faced in the process?

I saw a huge opportunity in the facilities management business early on and all the money that was being left behind because of mismanagement. This was a very niche market that hadn’t been totally developed 30 years ago, so being young and female with not a lot of credibility caused me a lot of grief, with one-way streets. I had the tenacity and resilience to push through, until I was seen as an industry expert.

What are your thoughts on the current demand for skilled trades in Canada? 

I wish the appropriate people had of listened, when I was sounding the alarm 20 years ago. We find ourselves in a very acute situation from an economic perspective, because of the shortage we are experiencing. With all the work that’s been done in the last couple years in various levels of government and the private sector, I am hopeful with the data being provided currently, that the Gen Z generation will be the next “Tool belt generation” and they see the multitudes of opportunities.

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