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Careers in the Skilled Trades

Skills Ontario program, Tools for Success, helping underrepresented youth explore skilled trade careers

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Building a career in the skilled trades can be challenging for young people who lack the necessary tools and knowledge. These challenges are even greater for youth in racialized communities, who face additional barriers to entering these career pathways.

To address this gap, Skills Ontario runs Tools for Success. These in-person events, designed for participants ages 18 to 30, are held across the province to educate underrepresented people on use of tools, skilled trade & technology careers, and in-demand careers specifically in the construction sector.

This year, Skills Ontario is partnering with the Iron Workers to offer two-hour workshops in July and August. During the workshops, participants get hands on experience with the tools of the trade, learn how to enter a union, and leave with the essential knowledge to start their career in the skilled trades.

Tools for Success is part of the Skills Ontario Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I) Program, targeting youth at risk, youth living in poverty, Indigenous youth, Black youth, people of colour, newcomers, and youth with exceptionalities. Skills Ontario is committed to removing barriers and serving all youth through opportunities to explore their career pathways.

Visit to learn more about the Tools for Success Program.

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