Brian Ware
President, Cedric Millar

Sejal Sheth
Senior Director, Integration & Technology, Cedric Millar
The pandemic has exposed cracks in supply chain that have existed for years. While many companies are forced to muddle through the chaos, Cedric Millar, a leading supply chain solutions and related technology provider, has a unique and cost-effective approach that’s easing supply chain pain and creating business efficiencies and cost savings for the companies it works with across North America.
“We seek to understand each client’s story, which, combined with a deep analysis of their business intelligence and our supporting technology, allows us to create highly customized solutions,” says Brian Ware, President of Cedric Millar. “We’re not limited by the scope of a preconceived solution. If we don’t find the solution in the market, then we utilize our experience and build it for them.”
What differentiates Cedric Millar is that it’s uniquely positioned to present to companies their current state and then, by utilizing its proven expertise and technology, can deliver optimization and a future state solution. The fourth-party logistics provider doesn’t just identify supply chain challenges but is a long-term partner that supports the execution of solutions.
Data plays an important role in understanding an organization and its supply chain — this is where Cedric Millar excels. “We show our clients how to interpret data so they can use prescriptive analysis,” says Sejal Sheth, Senior Director of Integration and Technology at Cedric Millar. “This means that instead of reacting blindly, they can create actionable strategies that work.”
Cedric Millar works with companies of all sizes and complexities, and its strength is having a deep culture of continuous improvement. “We want to challenge the status quo and offer scalable solutions,” says Ware. “We’re a trusted advocate for the companies we work with and help support their growth.”
Let Cedric Millar start understanding your story today by contacting [email protected] or visiting cedricmillar.com.