Brian Ware
President, Cedric Millar

Lisa Molinaro
VP, Strategic Accounts, Cedric Millar
Disruptions in local and global supply chain networks are becoming the norm for Canadian businesses. While many companies struggle, Cedric Millar, a leading Canadian fourth party logistics provider, has the answer. Its unique and customized approach is easing supply chain pain, creating business efficiencies, and cost savings for their clients.
We approach our clients with an open mind. We don’t have a preconceived notion of what the solution will be,” says Brian Ware, President, Cedric Millar. “What differentiates us is that we want to understand an organization’s strategic objectives — their story. There is no obligation to use Cedric Millar once the discovery work is completed, so clients trust us knowing that we want to find the best solutions to their problems.”
Comprehensive supply chain visibility
Cedric Millar’s secret sauce lies in the relationships they build with clients, as a long-term partner and the deep-dive they do to learn about an organization’s goals, operations, and cross-functional processes. This gives leaders greater insight into their organization, and empowers businesses to audit their supply chain structure, proactively identify pain points, optimize inventory levels and enhance overall efficiency.
What differentiates us is that we want to understand an organization’s strategic objectives — their story.
“There is no steady state in supply chain management, and successfully navigating the challenges requires organizations to pivot and adapt,” says Lisa Molinaro, Cedric Millar’s VP, Strategic Accounts. “This is made easier with a strategy brought by a fourth party logistics provider. We’re a consultant that executes, a long-term partner that supports and oversees the implementation of solutions.”
Invest in data driven decisions
Molinaro adds that Cedric Millar’s approach isn’t necessarily about utilizing its assets (though it has many), but rather identifying the best solutions for an organization’s needs. It could be harnessing advanced technologies, or utilizing cutting-edge tools and data analytics solutions, or even having an organization adopt new processes. And when off-the-shelf solutions aren’t robust, Cedric Millar can develop technology. “For one of our clients (a global distributor), our team of developers created a driver-delivery app that helps optimize the customer delivery experience and supports better fleet management”, she says. “This is the kind of value we bring to our customers.”

Fourth party logistics providers can benefit companies of all sizes and complexities. Businesses are good at producing and marketing their products, but they don’t always invest in the most efficient way to get those products to market. And according to Ware, supply chain decisions are often made based on emotion or market pressures, instead of being driven by data.
“It’s rewarding to see the positive impact we have on our clients,” says Ware. “We get excited by the initial discovery work, and that energy continues, as we support organizations to find new ways for continuous improvement, allowing them to serve their customers better.”

Learn how Cedric Millar can optimize your supply chain by contacting [email protected] or by visiting cedricmillar.com.