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Workforce of the Future

Spell it Out for a More Inclusive Workplace

“What’s the ROI on that?”

“Have you booked your PTO?”

“Make sure you read the SDS on that chemical.”

Historically, acronyms and expressions have been used to make communication more efficient and to foster spirit among workers over a shared language. But as workplaces become more diverse and workforce demographics change, acronyms and expressions can put up an unnecessary language barrier for workers who are new to the country or not yet familiar with the jargon in their workplace.

Here are a few reasons why using plain language, spelling terms out, and using fewer acronyms can contribute to a safer workplace.

New workers may already be feeling under pressure

The first few weeks of a new job can be stressful enough for workers who are in a probationary period and trying to learn processes and rules. Layering on a big glossary of terms can create an unnecessary layer of stress that could lead to the worker feeling pressure to pretend they understand something they don’t. This misunderstanding poses a potential safety risk to both the new worker and their colleagues.

Though it may not be possible to eliminate jargon and acronyms completely from your workplace, you can make sure that all new workers have thorough training on any unfamiliar terms or acronyms they need to know to do their job safely. Trainers should make sure that readability levels and language choices of both the materials and instruction suit the learners. Let them know that it’s okay to ask questions about terms they do not understand. Plus, consider pairing new workers with an experienced person who can help them learn about the culture of the workplace, including language.

If your workplace language makes people feel like insiders, it also creates outsiders

Being confident in industry speak or jargon can be a point of pride for some workers, because, just like any other language, it takes time and expertise to master. But while being part of an exclusive club can feel good for those inside it, it does not feel great for those who are excluded. Many workers and tradespersons who immigrate from other countries have the same level of experience and qualifications as their colleagues, but the terminology is different or does not translate easily.

Employers can help create a psychologically safer workplace and an easier transition for new workers by reducing the use of acronyms and jargon, starting from the top of the organization. When leaders do not use them in communications, presentations and marketing, it can lead to a ripple effect with managers, supervisors and other workers, helping to make communication more accessible for everyone.

Get in the habit of using plain language throughout your health and safety policies and procedures, programs, health documents and internal communications. These communications include emails, notices, and posters too. Assume that workers are not familiar with jargon, and its use will reduce over time.

Less acronyms and jargon lead to more diversity of thought

A more diverse workforce has been shown to have many benefits, such as lower turnover, higher productivity, and increased innovation. Does language help?  Yes, a workplace that prioritizes keeping its language accessible is one in which workers feel comfortable to offer ideas and improved ways of doing things.

In most cases, acronyms and jargon are unnecessary. So why not try eliminating them altogether and see how it affects your workplace?

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The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) promotes the total well-being — physical, psychosocial, and mental health — of workers in Canada by providing information, advice, education, and management systems and solutions that support the prevention of injury and illness.
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