Feroz Hyder
CEO, Ferrotechnics
Digital technology and connectivity have made Canadian businesses more productive, competitive, and global than previously dreamed. But, without the appropriate cybersecurity, the right training, and certification, this blessing of capability is also a vulnerability — a single critical point of failure.
It only takes one cybersecurity breach to bring an unprepared organization to a screeching halt, or worse. And because cybercriminals know what’s at stake, they also know the leverage they hold over a compromised victim. Cybercrime has become big business, and so diligent, leading-edge cybersecurity has become an essential part of any business operation that hopes to succeed and survive. The challenge, however, lies in understanding, sourcing, and implementing those highest standards of cybersecurity in a field that moves so quickly.
What you don’t know can hurt you
Cyber threats evolve at a mind-boggling rate, and without specialized knowledge and constant vigilance, security systems can become obsolete as quickly as they’re implemented. And with demand for cybersecurity services skyrocketing without an end in sight, there’s a growing gap in the availability of talent with the appropriate skills and training. In this environment, cyber resilience is not a one-and-done business expense; it’s a continual process requiring dedicated professionals who are in short supply. Businesses of all sizes need help.
Take the case of a Canadian multinational manufacturer and service provider operating in the nuclear and conventional power space. The potential consequences of a cybersecurity breach for this operator are profound, and their clients rightfully want to be assured that their systems and processes are adequately hardened against cyberattacks. This company’s internal IT team was simply not equipped to provide that level of security on its own, so they turned to Ferro Technics.
Canada’s cybersecurity talent in the global marketplace
Ferro Technics is a Toronto-based IT security firm and emerging global leader in security certification and training. The Ferro Technics team was able to perform a thorough gap analysis of operations at this energy industry partner, identify their weaknesses, and create a comprehensive framework of policies, processes, and internally developed skills that allowed the company to secure their assets, achieve ISO 27001 certification, become resilient against threats and incidents, and future-proof their operations against the ever-changing risk landscape.
It’s not only large, industry-scale organizations that are in need of this level of security, however. Smaller businesses and even non-profit organizations have similar obligations to security and privacy without access to the internal skill sets to achieve those goals. In the case of a Florida non-profit franchise with five offices, Ferro Technics was able to carry out a comprehensive risk assessment, offer guidance on secure service providers, provide extensive training and upskilling of existing staff, and help put in place the policies that would both prevent breaches and mitigate harm from unpreventable incidents. Thus, security and privacy were diligently managed for the peace of mind of both the non-profit’s donors and the citizens relying on its services.
It’s not only large industry-scale organizations that are in need of this level of security.
With the field of cybersecurity knowledge growing ever more specialized, and with the demand for those skills growing faster than new professionals can be trained, the security of Canadian organizations depends on providers like Ferro Technics, which can not only serve as concentrated hubs of knowledge for many partners but also focus on training and certification to build cyber resilience within the existing workforce. Cybersecurity is essential to every modern operation, regardless of sector or size. With training and guidance, no organization in Canada needs to remain vulnerable.