Sandra Hanna
Pharmacist & CEO, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada
Three requests so that your pharmacies can serve you best.
It has been inspiring to watch Canada come together and care for one another. As a pharmacist and independent pharmacy owner with a small team, I’m dedicated to continuing to provide the care that our community depends on.
However, we’re concerned that if one of us gets sick, we won’t be able to. I’ve heard similar concerns from other pharmacies, both big and small. To ensure your neighbourhood pharmacy can continue to serve you, we have three requests:

Please don’t stockpile.
Let’s ensure everyone can access the supplies and medications they need. To protect against shortages, pharmacies have implemented a 30-day prescription supply. We understand this is an adjustment and will work with you to understand your needs. Studies are currently being conducted on potential therapies for COVID-19. If a medication hasn’t been prescribed for you, please leave it for others who rely on it.

If you’re sick, phone us.
Pharmacists can provide phone consultations or arrange medication delivery. Visiting when sick could make others sick, most notably the vulnerable or pharmacy staff who need to remain healthy to serve you.

When at the pharmacy, keep a safe distance.
With shortages of masks and gloves, please keep a safe distance from the pharmacy team and others to limit the spread of illness. Please wash your hands or use sanitizer if approaching the counter and avoid touching surfaces.
On behalf of your neighbourhood pharmacy, thank you for keeping us safe so we can continue to do what we love to do for our communities.